Sunday, February 9, 2020

HCGS Meeting March 14, 2020

 The March 14, 2020 meeting of the Honolulu County Genealogical Society will be at the regular meeting place at Keola Ho'onanea Sr. Housing, 1465 A'ala St, Honolulu, in the community room of the high rise building, at the ground floor, in back, facing the river.  Walk down to it through their parking lot.  Free parking on the street.  Saturday, March 14th at 9 am.

    Tips for writing memoirs were emailed to members.  President Stan Jones said:  "I thought you would find it of interest as you think about the writing of your memoir for our March 14th meeting."
     It was decided at our last meeting to discuss our Ethnic Backgrounds and Traditions which might be unique to our family.  Particularly things that might be special such as food, clothing and celebrations of events like marriages, births, deaths, travels. Let us learn more about you and where you come from and how it might be similar or different from the rest of us.  Each will have an opportunity to present.  I hope all will, however, it is not required.  We all attend to learn, listen and contribute as you can. 
     Plan to attend and join us for the presentations and refreshments.

DIRECTIONS to the meeting site:
    The Keola Ho’onanea high rise is centrally located between N School St and N Vineyard St. and between Liliha St and Nuuanu Ave.  It’s across the river (Nuuanu Steam) from Foster Botanical Garden and next to the H1.   It’s a seven-minute walk from the bus stop on Liliha Street and Vineyard.
    There is free on-street parking on A’ala or on Vineyard.  Car-pooling is a good idea, and arrive early to find somewhere to park.   There is a loading area by the door for those to unloading refreshments, or projector, etc.   A handicap parking space may be available. Please don’t park in the building’s numbered reserved spaces.

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