Wednesday, March 27, 2019

HCGS Meeting April 13, 2019 Saturday

Honolulu County Genealogical Society
When: April 13, 2019, 9am-noon
HCGS Monthly Meeting
09:00 - Welcome
09:25 - Member Family Research Activity (family names, geographic areas, time periods, etc.)
09:45 - Research Tips
10:00 - Genealogy News (conferences, webinars, publications, etc.)
10:15 - Break for Refreshments
10:30 - Program: Stanley Yon, “The Palatines — German Immigration in the 17th and18th Centuries: History and Genealogical Resources”

Unfortunately the meeting room was locked.  We were not to be  discouraged!  We met outside our meeting room in the garden along the Nuuanu Stream (across from Foster Gardens).  Luckily the sprinkles and rain diminished and we enjoyed our meeting and refreshments.  However, the program by Stanley Yon, on "The Palatines," will be rescheduled.

For all things genealogical, join our Honolulu County Genealogical Society Facebook Group.
DIRECTIONS to the meeting site:
The Keola Ho’onanea high rise is centrally located between N School St and N Vineyard St. and between Liliha St and Nuuanu Ave.  It’s across the river (Nuuanu Steam) from Foster Botanical Garden and next to the H1.   It’s a seven-minute walk from the bus stop on Liliha Street and Vineyard.
The meeting room is on the ground level in the rear of the building.  Walk down through parking lot to rear entrance of the ground-level meeting room, by the River

There is free on-street parking on A’ala or on Vineyard.  Car-pooling is a good idea, and arrive early to find somewhere to park.   There is a loading area by the door for those to unloading refreshments, or projector, etc.   A handicap parking space may be available. Please don’t park in the building’s lot unless it is marked for visitor.

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